The Tao of Gaming

Boardgames and lesser pursuits


Personally, if I publish a game I’d verify that the name wouldn’t serve as a good rejection when someone suggested playing playing it. (“Shit, no”)

Actually, not nearly bad enough to warrant an avoid, but a solid indifferent meh. This is a rather clever ‘divide the pie’ mechanism, but the divider just offers one one group at a time without showing the rest and others get first crack at it. Divider takes it if nobody wants it, then the next player divides the remainder. The final division is done with both groups and other player chooses.

The items you divide are basically set collection and a special power, and then you claim points with the stuff you divided and not really worth discussing (except that one of the roles is ‘main divider’ which may or may not be worth claiming depending on group think, turn, etc).

Written by taogaming

March 1, 2012 at 12:14 am

Posted in Reviews

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